Soak up the scenes from BGG.CON, the Board Game Geek Convention that took place in Dallas this weekend Nov. 21-24, 2019.

The Hot Games Room
This year’s hot games Photo: Evan Conroy
Grab a bite at the Meeple Cafe Photo: Evan Conroy
The madness of the Battling Tops tournament Photo: Evan Conroy
Rahdo ponders his next move. Julia Ziobro waits her turn. Photo: Evan Conroy
Giant demo version of HurlyBurly
Need players? A teacher? Photo: Evan Conroy
You can meet game designers and playtest their games Photo: Evan Conroy
The main room is jumping on Saturday night Photo: Evan Conroy
The Game Designers documentary. Left to right: Kelly North Adams, game designer, Hans Scharler, producer, Matt Leacock, game designer, Eric Rayl, director, Scott Alden (Aldie), founder of BGG and Executive Producer. Photo credit: Julia Ziobro
Rio Grande Games’ private room. Photo credit Evan Conroy
Team Geek for 2019: Photo credit: Spalding
Team Geek at closing ceremonies Photo: Evan Conroy
Aldie at closing ceremonies Photo: Evan Conroy
Photo: Julia Ziobro
The heart of BGG–the library of more than 9,000 games. Photo: Evan Conroy

Photos and story by Evan Conroy

Evan Conroy Evan lives in a forest next to three mountains west of Denver, with four cats, fish, and even a couple humans. His neighbors include moose, bears, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, chickorees, and a plethora of birds. Evan enjoys cons and many fandoms; boardgames, Peanuts, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and more. Nerd life is con life; con life is nerd life. Live long and prosper, may the force be with you, and allons-y!