Well, 2019 was another successful year in the world of board games, it saw some great Kickstarter campaigns, lots of new games, from both old and new designers, and overall a fun-filled year of gaming. While there are definitely more games that came out than I can literally keep track of, here are 5 that I really enjoy.

5. Cowboy Bebop Boardgame Boogie: As a huge fan of the franchise, it was a thrill to see the world of the bebop be brought to the table. A big question always is when a property is being introduced, is the game good on its own or is it an old game with a new theme slapped on? Well Bebop, in my opinion, is, in fact, a great game that feels like the bebop the translation to the table is excellent and fans of the franchise I hope were as pleasantly surprised as I was.

4. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice: This is a Kickstarter that funded in the first hour, from the team who created V Commando’s Triton Noir. What made this buzz so strong among the fans of the franchise, is that Ubisoft, the creators of Assassin’s Creed, has been heavily involved in the transition from video-to-table. The game is scheduled to arrive in June of 2020. From the updates, it looks amazing and one I am really glad that I jumped in on.

3. The 5th and 10th Doctor Expansions for Doctor Who Time of the Dalek’s: While this is not the game itself, Gale Force Nine, finally released the long-awaited expansions to their excellent game, Dr. Who: Time of the Dalek’s. They were worth the wait, as with the new Doctors, came new Dilemma’s, companions, timey wimey cards, and basically more to add to the base game. In addition, the 7th and the 9th Doctors were also released.

2. Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth: Fantasy Flight once again comes out with a rich storytelling game, this one in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien. Much like Mansions of Madness, this one uses an app to guide. It uses some unique card mechanics as opposed to dice. The game really draws you in, as you battle the evil machinations of Sauron, to the save Middle Earth once again.

1. Star Wars Outer Rim: Fantasy Flight took the top spot for me with a game that, at first, I was not too sure about, but was literally blown away with. This is a fantastic pick-up and deliver game, that just about beats Firefly in my opinion. It immerses players in the Star Wars Universe and is an open sandbox, where the players choose how they want to win, be it a bounty hunter, smuggler, honest cargo hauler, or adventure seeker. I will get this to the table anytime I can, and I am so glad that I decided to add it.

Well, there you have it, my top 5 games of 2019. I am sure that I missed some of yours, and would love to hear in the comments what yours were. A special thanks to all my fans and followers; you are why I do this. Without readers, I may as well just keep a diary. Here’s to a great new year of gaming excitement and fun!

Written by Ed Carter

His name is Ed and he is your guy for all things tabletop. He looks forward to sharing with you the amazing world of board gaming. Drop him a note if you have any specific games that you want to know about. Until then. Happy gaming!